Registry Direct can take care of your
Employee Share Scheme reporting

Registry Direct are experts at Employee Share Scheme (ESS) tax reporting. We understand the complex regulations involved and can help your business remain compliant with its obligations.

What is ESS reporting?

Domestic and international companies that provide an ESS to their Australian employees are required annually to report on relevant tax events that have occurred during the tax year. Employees need to be provided with an ESS statement, which will help them complete their tax return. An ESS annual report must also be lodged with the Australian Tax office (ATO).

What are my ESS reporting obligations?

If you provide your employees with 'ESS interests' under an employee share scheme, you have certain reporting obligations to your employees and the ATO.


Reporting to your employees

You must provide an ESS statement to your employees by 14 July after the end of the financial year.

Reporting to the ATO

You must provide an ESS annual report to the ATO by 14 August each year.

How do I report on ESS?

Specific ESS milestones, such as vesting, exercise or cessation of employment, can create tax events for employees and companies. The tax rules which apply to those events are determined based on when the ESS interest was granted. For more details about the information required to report, see our help centre.

The ATO accepts ESS annual reports via electronic lodgement using software compatible with their systems.

How can Registry Direct help?

Registry Direct can simplify the reporting process for you. We keep our knowledge and systems up-to-date with tax legislation, reporting requirements and digital lodgement specifications. With your supplied data, we will ensure you are reporting correctly.

Our services include:

  • Producing ESS statements for your employees
  • Disseminating ESS statements (optional)
  • Producing ESS annual reports and lodging them with the ATO

Trusted by

These businesses rely on Registry Direct as Australia’s premier provider of ESS reporting services


If you have any questions about ESS reporting, please contact us at Registry Direct

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Registry Direct
PO Box 572
Sandringham VIC 3191